Modular Design
Modular plants offer multiple benefits over conventional stick-built designs
A modular plant includes steel skids in which equipment, instruments, piping and cables are mounted. The skids are transported to the construction site, where they are installed and connected to form the large process unit
Modular plants offer many benefits over conventional stick built facilities -
- Faster time to market –
- Faster plant planning due to reuse of information and workflows
- Savings in procurement and construction
- Minimal Site Work
- Changeability in production
- Compensate lack of flexibility of continuous plants using adaptable modules
- Achieve economy of scale enabling multi-purpose continuous plants
- Mobility and Risk Management
- Distributed production nearby the customer / feedstock
- Sequential numbering-up of modular plants, following the market development
AECPL has expertise in modular design for process industries. We have worked on numerous complicated projects and converted them into easy assembly modules for fast construction and cost reduction.